LOPSCO Brush plating process has the mobility to restore the damaged heavy equipment without moving the heavy equipment. This process saves cost and downtime.

Before LOPSCO Brush Plating repair on crusher cone.

LOPSCO Brush copper plating and blended to tolerance on crusher cone.

LOPSCO Brush Nickel plating capped for final finish on crusher cone.

LOPSCO Brush Plating Process completed on crusher cone.

Steam Turbine Journal restored with LOPSCO Brush Plating Process

Motor Rotor Journal with LOPSCO Brush Copper Plating Process.

Before LOPSCO Brush Plating repair on crusher cone.

LOPSCO Brush copper plating and blended to tolerance on crusher cone.

LOPSCO Brush Nickel plating capped for final finish on crusher cone.

LOPSCO Brush Plating Process completed on crusher cone.

Steam Turbine Journal restored with LOPSCO Brush Plating Process

Motor Rotor Journal with LOPSCO Brush Copper Plating Process.

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